Managing a hotel or villas is not an easy process and requires, among other things, the presence of a professional team to quickly resolve crisis situations, such as pipe breaks, short-circuits or repair of air conditioners. Therefore, our company invites property owners and investors to delegate this responsibility to professionals.
As a management company, we monitor both the staff (hiring and training) and its work, as well as the condition of the villa and its equipment (pumps, water heaters, air conditioners, etc.), we pay all bills (electricity, water, Internet, cable TV, garbage collection, banjar, staff salaries).
Management of one property from 1 to 7 bedrooms will cost you $300 – $500 a month. Maintaining the condition of the property and checking each, before settling in of guests is included in this price. We will also monitor replenishment of expendables, such as: coffee, tea, bathing accessories, napkins and toilet paper, drinking water, gas up to a high standard. The owner of the property will see the report on all costs of works and materials in real time.